is an Agronomist, and has a Master’s and PhD in Agronomy by the Federal University of Lavras (UFLA), Brazil.
Nowadays she is Full professor in Floriculture and Landscaping at Federal University of Lavras (UFLA). She teaches courses, advises students, and performs research in floriculture and the history of gardens and evolution.
In garden history, the mainly subject for research is the gardens in historic cities located around the Royal Road, an important route that was used by the Emperor in centuries XVIII and XIX. The results have been published as books that are easily accessible by the common people so that this knowledge can be widely distributed.
She has also published many scientific articles and some books both in floriculture and landscaping. One of them, published in 2008, named Paisagismo – conceitos e aplicações [Landscaping – concepts and applications], is very important in Brazil since it offers a large amount of information and techniques in landscaping, and is a major resource for students.
As a professor, Patricia is Head of the Crop Science Department at UFLA (2015-2016), and also a vice-coordinator of the Plant Science Postgraduate Program (2012-2016). Since 2013, she is the President of the Brazilian Society of Floriculture and Ornamental Plants (SBFPO) and an assistant editor of the journal: Advances in Ornamental Horticulture and Landscaping (AOHL), a publication from this Society, and very important in Brazil in this area of research.