9 crop related Sections, 13 discipline related Commissions and 1 Special Commission on Nomenclature and Registration each year all Section and Commission Chairs meet in the ISHS Executive Committee
within the structure of Sections/Commissions more than 130 Working Groups are currently active
ISHS Sections
- Pome and Stone Fruits
- Vine and Berry Fruits
- Nuts and Mediterranean Climate Fruits
- Tropical and Subtropical Fruits
- Medicinal and Aromatic Plants
- Ornamental Plants
- Vegetables, Roots, Tubers, Edible Bulbs, Brassica, Asparagus
- Vegetables, Quality Production Systems, Leafy Green and Non-Root Vegetables
- Banana and Plantain
- Economics and Management
- Education, Research Training and Consultancy
- Horticultural Engineering
- Molecular Biology and In Vitro Culture
- Plant Protection
- Irrigation and Plant Water Relations
- Plant Substrates and Soilless Culture
- Quality and Postharvest Horticulture
- Protected Cultivation
- Landscape and Urban Horticulture
- Plant Genetic Resources
- Organic Horticulture
- Fruits and Vegetables and Health